Thursday, August 6, 2009

Web Hosting - A Brief Explanation

Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, a lot of people have been wondering on how or where do all these pages would come from. And even if they did, a single computer may not even handle the stress of network traffic, reaching heights to millions of loggers all over the world.As to explain web hosting, it is a means on setting up network servers for one or more websites to facilitate a 'home' for people to visit. These servers can run data up to gigabytes of information depending on internet traffic flow.
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These servers can be found anywhere and they can be numerous. One computer in the house could host a website within a limited number of visitors or companies designed to host websites from here and even the rest of the world for the viewing pleasure of the same world.People with particular hobbies and clubs can set up a website using their own computer just as long as it can handle the network traffic and the connection speed can keep up. Businesses are the biggest consumers of web hosting companies, as it allows affordable fees to create websites base on goods or services provided. Even some websites offer free hosting for anyone who wants to put up a website, allowing that advertising has to be present in order to keep it free.This explanation on web hosting is pretty much the tip of the iceberg, as there are more ways in putting up a website and making it even more elaborate.

Best Rated Web Hosting Providers - How To Find Them

Finding the best rated web hosting provider is relative in as much as providers have different areas of expertise. For instance, there are web hosting providers whose excellence lies on servicing online shopping web site owners. There are providers whose strengths are focused on huge storage and file transfer features and who aim to cater to media-intensive website owners. Still there are small web hosting providers who shine in providing limited but excellent services to personal website owners.In finding the best rated web hosting provider therefore, you must categorize what kind of web hosting company you are looking for. You must know the kind of site that you are to establish, and choose web hosting providers that excel in such niche.
Another way to gather options and find the best rated web hosting provider is to consult different website development sites, resources, and forums. In these channels, fellow website owners provide information and discuss which web hosting companies and worth trying and which ones need improvement.Web hosting is not that expensive, but do not trust web hosting companies that offer unlimited features for a very cheap rate. Web hosting providers that offer unbelievable rates are mostly overselling their slots. If you want your site to look good, to load fast, to be browsed easily, and to build a reputation of sophistication, choose among web hosting companies that have long experience in providing service. You may have to shell out a few more dollars for their services, but at least you are sure that your website won't face any trouble.
For more great information on Best Rated Web Hosting visit our new website

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Choosing web hosting for reliable industrial services

When you will consult with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to check what web services are all about, then you will discover that a web service is a software system for the support of interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a specific network.� For reliable web services, you have to get in touch with those developers who possess a comprehensive knowledge about newly evolved technologies. For instance, WSIT or Web Service Interoperability Technology is the one which is fast becoming popular amongst the developers as it makes interoperability between Java Platform and .NET and WCF.
To acquire reliable web services, it is extremely important to get in touch with someone who may have knowledge about WSIT because it helps to use Java API for Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) along with XML Web Services(JAX-WS). It is all because of the Java APIs that new and reliable web services can get created. The best thing about creating web services by making use of Web Service Interoperability Technology is that developers can interoperate these services between other platforms and that´s what increases the reliability and efficiency of such services.
Because of Web Service Interoperability Technology, developers don´t have to think a lot before hosting a service. As different services are created in different development environment, so, it is obvious to see specific differences in them. To avoid these differences, Web Service Interoperability Technology is used as this is the best way to get reliable web services.
With the introduction of Web Service Interoperability Technology, developers don´t have to consider the language in which a web service is created and that´s the biggest advantage of using it. So, the bottom line is that if you are looking for reliable web services, then get in touch with someone who may help you with Web Service Interoperability Technology.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hosting Service Explanation - Do we always miss something important?!

The recent months did not showed some special trend or development of the hosting industry which may lead us to an extraordinary conclusion of the future. And I am not that selfish to hide some vision if I had such :). There are no any significant changes or supernova technologies that may take us to another level. There are not even new ideas in web hosting business - there are just some improvements, some new promotions, some hosts going mad with overselling model, some clients keeping their search for the cheapest host…there are few more.
What is web hosting about
There is something that is really differentiating the web hosting as service from the other services - the impossibility to determine the quality of the rendered service and the on-going non adequate model of offerings. There are not so many companies that offer any kind of service (but same) and have differences in the quality, the prices, the features.
Just imagine 3 different tourist agencies offer the same cruise from point A to point B, with same ship and same cabins but for different prices. The same applies to all the services and even to internet. If you are to offer something varying from your competitor, then try to explain the difference s you have.
Have you even seen something like this in web hosting business? I did not! I see big companies, small companies, mediocre web hosts offering the same, or even something “better” - same web hosting plans with different prices. Of course to top it all - here comes the big ‘overselling’ daddy.
It seems to me, that the web hosting companies are not trying to show their clients that the service they offer are reliable and quality but they compete their prices with the other web hosts, that is really annoying for the hosting seekers because, I see that in the forums, people are so confused when they have to compare companies, prices and features, that they start to hate it all. And here is where the “most cheapest host” fans are born - but that is another story.
In the end - web hosting is something people need to show other people, that they exist, that they have business and that they want to get connected. I really don’t see that in the efforts of the web hosting companies.
Do we care about the Customer
Of course, yes! How would be the next questions. What do we do to make them and keep them happy. There is a phrase saying that there are no perfect web hosts, there are only hosts that are perfect for us. I agree with this, with one remark - the relations between the hosts and the clients are the thing that can make any host the perfect one - the attitude of its employees and the vision of its owners.
Lets say a web host is having some problems with their hardware or software, and this comes on almost daily basis. There are customers that will notice the issue and will immediately address it to the customer support of the respective web host. From here we have 2 ways - the client is happy after the support resolved the matter quickly or ti did not helped and the client is not happy.
There are people who are not content to have fairly bad service with good and helpful customer support, others are OK with this and may stay with the host for a long as they know the attitude and help they receive is exceeding the industry standards or they just got used to this host.
The standards are the problem - the missing standards are really problematic because the individual expectations cannot be never met and offering something ambiguous is more welcomed by the hosting companies, rather than fulfilling some industry standards.
What service we offer
We only offer what the customer is paying or at some point, what the customer expects - if you have some exacting and demanding client you will be more willing to give good service - if the customers only pays and does not expect anything particular, then the whole point is moved in other direction.
Price of marketing the web hosting
The most rough and inadequate market is the web hosting one. If you want to market your web hosting service you will need - a lot of money and nerves and a lot of time to find the right niche and places to expose your services.
There is no industry like web hosting and there is no business like web hosting!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rock Climbing Christmas Gift Ideas

We all know someone who's idea of a good time is hanging off cliffs. If you're looking for Christmas gift ideas for a rock climbing enthusiast, here's some unique rock climbing gift ideas.

Rock Climbing Gift Ideas

You can always tell a rock climber by their appearance. White chalk fingers, bleeding knuckles, bent fingers and�a grin a mile wide. Whether they are climbing in indoor climbing gyms or hanging off Half Dome in Yosemite, rock climbers are very receptive to rock climbing gifts. Here are a few gift ideas that will make you a favorite with them.

1. Rock Climbing Gym � Most metropolitan areas now have rock climbing gyms. These gyms are typically indoor areas where rock climbers can work on their techniques. Walls come in a variety of terrains and with differing holds. Membership costs range all over the place, but climbers will love the gift. This is a particular good rock climbing gift idea for people living in big cities and who can't head off for an afternoon of knuckle crunching.

2. Climb International DVD � The Climb International DVD is a highly recommended financial planning tool for rock climbers. Why? Well, the DVD contains climbs from exotic locations such as Thailand and China. After watching the DVD, the average rock climber will suddenly start saving every penny from their paycheck, rolling nickels and generally being as cheap as possible. The goal? To save enough money to travel to these locations for a personal rock climbing adventure. The DVD can be a bit hard to find. Search for it by name on any search engine and you should be able to find it. Expect to pay roughly $20 for this mouth watering movie.

3. Build Your Own Indoor Climbing Wall � You have to be very careful when giving this gift. This book gives step by step instructions on how to build an indoor climbing wall. This, of course, requires one to have a space in which to build said climbing wall. Basements and garages are typical locations, much to the chagrin of spouses. Personally, I wouldn't put my name on the "from" section of the gift card. You can expect to pay $10 or so for this evil little book.
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4. Climbing Holds � Climbing holds are plaster molds that are put on a climbing wall. They come in all kinds of vicious shapes, which are perfect for bending fingers in truly unnatural positions. If you know someone who has built a climbing wall in their garage or house, this is a perfect gift. Since each climbing hold is more or less unique, just pick the ones that grab your fancy. They come in a wide range of prices, so it is often best to shop by what you can afford. Helpful Tip: Look closely at the holds. If you can't imagine how a hand would possible hold onto a particular hold, that is the one to buy!

5. Nomad Rock Climbing Journals - A little self-promotion. Nomad Rock Climbing Journals are great gifts for rock climbers. These writing journals allow climbers to keep track of their climbs, impressions, people the climbed with, routes and any additional information they feel necessary. Over time, the climbing journals become a history of climbs and a great keepsake. A great Christmas gift, you can see the rock climbing journals by clicking the link in the byline of this article and expect to pay $25 for the journal with case.As you know, there is simply no way to keep a climber from climbing. You might as well give in and give them a Christmas climbing gift.Rick Chapo is with Nomad Writing Journals - makers of rock climbing journals. Great Christmas gifts for him or Christmas gifts for her.
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Best web Hosting Sites

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Free Website Hosting Vs. Paid Website Hosting Basics

Web site hosting service companies on the Internet permit the user to make their web site accessible through the World Wide Web. There are huge numbers of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and also offer Internet connectivity in general in a data center. There can be various types of web site hosting companies. The main classification is the free web site hosting and the paid web site hosting service companies.
In case of free web site hosting, the user has the right to upload his or her web site content on the server space that is provided by the web site hosting company without any cost. This type of web site hosting service is great for people who are new to to internet and plan to get familiar with web site creation and functionality of web servers. On the other hand, to get your web site uploaded on a web space that is provided by a paid web site hosting company, you need to pay the company periodic fees. The fee amount may vary from company to company. The paid web site hosting companies are best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web sites and who expect a certain amount of web site visitors which is restricted on free hosting accounts to a minimum.The revenue that the paid web hosting service companies get is through the fee that is paid to the company by the web site owners. In case of free web site hosting companies, the main source of income are the ads and banners that can be placed on their clients web pages.The main advantage of using a free web site hosting service is that they are free of cost and hence make a perfect choice for people who are new into the business and are just looking to start out. They are perfect for people who just want to display a minimum content on the World Wide Web in small amount of web space. The other advantage of using the free web site hosting service is that most of these companies provide integrated, easy tools to upload the pages on to the hosting account. They do this realizing the fact that the free web site hosting services are generally utilized by the newbies.There are also certain disadvantages of using the free web site hosting services. When using the free web site hosting service, you are forced to place the ads and banners by the web site hosting company on your web pages. Also the revenue that is obtained by the ads goes to the web site company. In case of paid web site hosting service, ads and banners placed on your web site are according to your will and the revenue of the banners and ads placed on your web site goes in your pocket. Also in some case of free web site hosting, the domain name of your web site starts with the web site hosting company name followed by your web site name. This is not the case of paid web site hosting service. You get a unique web site domain. The web space provided by free web site hosting service is limited whereas in case of paid web site hosting service you can buy the web space according to your requirements.
About The Author:
Roger McLean is marketing executive of Copyright 2007 by Tela IT Inc. The article may be reproduced in newsletters or on websites provided that the complete article text is included, unchanged, and that neither the copyright declaration nor this license are removed.
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Different Types of Web Hosting

You will find many different types of web hosting companies. Choosing a web hosting provider depends on what type of website you have. The main website hosting types are: shared, free, managed dedicated and unmanaged dedicated web hosting. Free web hosting services place ads on web pages and can cumbersome and annoying for visitors. The other web hosting types usually offer great support and bandwidth but charge a monthly fee.
Shared Web Hosting
Shared webhosting is the most widely used web hosting service. Shared website hosting permits more than one site to be hosted on the same server. Here, the web hosts provide system administration. Most web hosts provide the user with features such as ASP, PHP, MySQL, large bandwidth, and multiple e-mail addresses. There are many other services available in shared web hosting, including the ability to have your own domain name. Shared web hosting is furthermore a way for the hosting business to offer affordable web hosting to their clients when more server users equals less expenses and server maintainance
Free Web Hosting
Free web hosting is the simplest kind of webhosting service. Ads on hosted web sites generally support this type of website hosting. We have not found any free webhosting that we could recommend. Most of them are of low quality. They do not provide the user with MySQL, multiple e-mail accounts or the ability to run any scripting language. The type of domain one receives in free web hosting is typically a sub-domain ( or a directory ( Our recommendation is to avoid these kinds of web host services. Choose a cheap web host instead.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated hosting is a good option for someone who wants more storage and bandwidth, and also wants certain characteristics that are not available with shared web hosting. Here the user is not limited to a certain number of databases and e-mail addresses, and also gets a very large amount of bandwidth. Generally a dedicated server plan offers the user with a monthly bandwidth of 500 GB to 1 TB. In unmanaged dedicated web hosting, the user is the server administrator, permitting the user the greatest amount of control and flexibility. You need a lot more knowledge if you want an unmanaged server because it is not easy to be a server administrator. The function of the website usually determines the type of web host. Features, support, reliability, and security decide the pricing of webhosting providers.

Choosing Best Web Hosting Provider

Due to ever increasing demand of internet and websites now it's a general demand of market for every business firm to have a website thus need of web hosting arises. Business firms need web hosting for their official websites and similarly on other hand people having interested in making personal blogs and other activities over the internet also need web hosting for their personal websites.
First decide your technical requirements about web hosting account for e.g. for a blog approximately 1 gb web hosting on Linux platform server can be the best choice and on the other hand for a business or ecommerce website 1gb to 5gb web hosting package can be the best one. Some provider do such locks as fixed no. of MySQL databases allowed, fix no of email ids allowed while on the other hand there are a lot of providers which also offer databases and no. of email ids sort of things as unlimited.A lot of web hosting companies over the internet also offer live chat support thus you can log on to internet and just put web hosting along with your area name to find out nearest web hosting provider. In this manner you can get in touch with any local web hosting provider and can easily surf their websites for their web hosting packages to get information about their packages and pricings sheet for comparison purpose at your end. It's always better to have a winner web hosting provider for your needs with live support.
There are a lot of web hosting providers also in the market which offer free web hosting sort of nice packages but remember in their free web hosting service some ask for back link to their websites and some puts automatic advertisement of their own on your all web pages. So when you going to think for free web hosting service provider clear the things before making your decisions. It is not thing to worry that you are not a technical person then how you can judge that which web hosting provider is best only thing you need to do is a few minutes research over the internet itself to know the best of web hosting provider on which you can trust and stay for your web hosting needs.
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The Benefits Of Web Hosting Forums

When you are getting your website hosted for the first time, you are not familiar with certain terms, and the hosting process. You try to know which host would be best and what are the features and services you should be looking for in the host.During all this process, you should know a few basic hosting concepts irrespective of the objective of your website. A web hosting forum gives you an excellent platform to share information and questions regarding hosting. Many good hosting forums also contain reviews of different web hosts, and the top or best hosting service providers in specific areas. In addition, joining web hosting forums can give you following advantages.
* After your site is ready and you are looking for a good web hosting company, look at the top postings on a hosting forum. Search on those companies for getting your site hosted since these are rated high by other users.* Web hosting forum members post useful tips and answers to typical questions that may interest you. These can also contain reviews of some hosts and consistent positive reviews of a host means that you can trust it better.
* Forum members are generally involved in some discussions and you can be part of few topics. Ask questions and know more about the technical details and concepts. These threads can also provide you comparisons between different web hosts, enabling you to make a decision on your host.
* Web forums are also a kind of online technical support. You can post your questions and some experienced users can reply with their answers.
* Web hosting forums are a good source of latest news or updates in the industry regarding web hosting. It keeps you updated.Since forums are interactive in nature, these are preferred over traditional sources of information such as books or search engines.
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Tips For New Web Hosting

Hosting is the service that provides Internet users a system to store information, images, video, or from any content accessible via their website. There are literally thousands of suppliers, so you will have to decide by some basic factors such as:
What kind of service given by email support?
A hosting provider that does not answer your emails up to 36 hours does not deserve consideration.
The provider allows you to grow?
One of the problems unknown until it's time to switch suppliers, is that change is sometimes very annoying, as some support some features with which you conducted your pages when counted, but the new provider might not have, and that will change the way your site operates. The time it may take is variable but at least it is a nuisance having to change something that is not planned.
The supplier has inflated prices for excess monthly traffic?
The monthly traffic is the amount of information that passes from or to you or your clients on your hosting provider. In most cases, the monthly transfer amount allocated will be sufficient, if your site does not have a large amount of software to download or provide abundant information. If it exceeds the specified limit your provider will charge you an excess amount of traffic. Always note that this amount is not excessive with respect to the initial rate.The provider gives you a complete solution?Your provider should give you the perfect opportunity to buy your domain and host your pages on a single option, as it set the domain to point to your hosting provider is not a task known to all and if you need specialist help for this item, then the cost of accommodation could rise unnecessarily. That is, your provider should provide a comprehensive solution that helps keep down the total cost of hosting.
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How To Identify The Best Web Hosting Provider

There are many web hosting companies out there offering their services. Simply enter a search into Google and you will be bombarded with thousands of companies claiming to have the best hosting packages. The trick is to be able to identify which company will be the best to go with when hosting your website.First of all, remember to steer clear of companies that offer free web hosting. There is always a catch. Sure, you may not have to pay for hosting, but think about it carefully. How is the company covering their cost for hosting you? They are plastering advertisements all over your website! This takes away from the professionalism and attractiveness of your site, and will deter internet browsers. In addition to this, there is always a limit to your free hosting package. In some cases you may not be able to have lots of graphics or flash images on your site. You may have a very low space limit, which will be irritating if you are planning on having a large site with lots of information. Another downside is that these free web hosting plans may not supply you with an email account that you can use with your domain name. Sometimes they do, but they will only give you a handful of email addresses with a tiny amount of space.

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Of course, if you just want a simple personal site without email addresses, perhaps a free web hosting plan will be convenient for you. On the other hand, if you want to start a business site, it is better to find a hosting provider that will offer you a specific package. What you should be looking for is a hosting provider that will give you a breakdown of their different packages. They will explain that for a certain price you will get this much bandwidth, this many email addresses and so on. A good hosting provider will have on call support via telephone or email that is prompt and responsible. Some good hosting providers even offer training courses to assist you in learning how to manage your site.A good, reputable website hosting provider will have a portfolio of sites that are hosting with them. If it makes you more comfortable you can contact one of their clients to find out how reliable their support is.Beware of hosting providers that force you to sign a contract for hosting. They may wish to tie you into a hosting package for a year, with the payment requested up front. If you commit to this, you may find after a month or two that you are not entirely happy. Perhaps there are frequent email problems and the support desk of your hosting provider is never available. You may find that your site is sometimes down without warning, or you run out of space and are unable to contact anyone to purchase more. A good web hosting provider will allow you to pay for your hosting on a monthly basis, with the option to opt out whenever you wish. You can also pay up front if it is more convenient for you, but are able to get refunded if you are not happy with the service anymore.
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How to Find Best Hosting Sites For Your Online Business

Web hosting is basic need for your online presence. Consider some important points when choosing a host service.There are plenty of options available for this to choose perfect one for you.
Know your Web Hosting Needs.
Before going to buy a web host package you should know your web hosting requirements. Web space and bandwidth: estimate the amount of web space and bandwidth you would required for your web site. This will save your money. Some companies offer huge disk space and bandwidth. Go for those only if you need such amount of space and bandwidth.
Support: What type of Support you want from hosting company? If you wish to get phone support or live chat support. Check the company whether it is provided or not.
Where do you Get a Good Advise on WebHosting for Free.
Browse online Resources to know feed back for the company. Search the internet for Reviews of Hosting company.But Remember one thing, there are plenty of web host review Sites on net. Some of those are may not genuine. Reviews are purely personal opinions or experiences of individuals so they ate not ultimate to take decision.
Take Advise from Experts.
Go to Discussion Boards Like where you can find web hosting experts. Ask them to help you to find the webhost as per your needs. Check the Terms and Conditions of Company that you will going to buy Service. Pick the service with money back guarantee to ask refund if you would not satisfied by their service.
Final word.
Don't Loosely depend on Other's Reviews or advise. Think once before Buy a hosting package. Today Most of Web Hosting Companies offer their Services with Moneyback guarantee. So you can try them for Before you decided to continue with their service.Good Luck. Here you can Compare Some Best Hosting Sites
Check Out the Most Affordable Reliable Web Hosting Sites
Compared :
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Dedicated Hosting Services

Dedicated Hosting Services, also known as dedicated server or managed hosting service, is a method of Internet hosting that enables organizations or individuals to display contents on the Internet. In this type of service, the client leases the entire server without sharing it with anyone. The organization can choose the operating system and hardware. You are provided a secure environment for storing server-based applications such as databases and websites.
Dedicated hosting services are housed in data centers which are similar to collocation facilities where multiple telecommunications network or service providers find their network connection to one another. They are also provided with superfluous power sources and HVAC systems.
Dedicated hosting services offer certain useful features such as serial console or KVM/IP, automated restore of operating system, and remote backup space that can be procured by the client either for an additional monthly cost or as a built-in facility. Serial console is an additional route for the client to access the server. This permits the recovery of the server from faults such as file system recovery, caused during the boot-time configuration. And the automated restore function of the OS will help to restore the original configuration of the server. The client is offered remote backup storage space for storing server data.
There are many service providers who may differ in the type of service offered. The hosting company provides server administration as an add-on service. Some of the other services given by certain service providers include disaster recovery solutions like server load balancing, firewall and data back up and recovery.
Dedicated hosting services permit businesses to attain fast, reliable and low cost Internet hosting, backed by top server hardware. Server reboot and hardware replacement during failure are offered by certain firms. Dedicated hosting services also enable the organization to have access to an environment of rich bandwidth that has undergone optimization for content distribution across the Internet. There are certain providers offering 24/7 monitoring services for checking the network availability on the server.
Dedicated Hosting provides detailed information on Dedicated Hosting, Dedicated Web Hosting, Dedicated Hosting Servers, Dedicated Web Server Hosting and more. Dedicated Hosting is affiliated with FTP Site Hosting
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Cheap Web Hosting Services: Some Key Guidelines

The user can try the given below guidelines to make the process of finding "cheap" hosting service a lot easier.
1. Act smart:
The user should keep his/her mind sharp while dealing for a use or rather acceptable use policy of that particular cheap web host. One can easily locate fair deal, due to immense competition prevailing in the cheap web hosting industry however if the user find a host offering features at an extremely cheap amount as compare to other hosts, then, BEWARE, user should never deal with such people.
2. Perform additional research:
A user should confirm about the host from several sources like reviews, related details from search engines, and even by verifying their experience in this particular sector. One should go to the support pages and see whether their provided support level matches one’s requirement or not. One cannot expect to receive best ever support for every mere little trouble which user receive through payment less than per month.
3. Check support:
These types of businesses would not survive as capable support personnel demands money. If one talks about larger companies and Windows plans then they are generally quite costly. It is a matter of fact that, cheap web hosts sell additional amount of space and bandwidth, predicting not total exploitation of it by the user. It is quite usual and there will be no negative impact on the user if he/she utilizes all the owed space and bandwidth. The user should be aware of the fact that, cheap web hosts often do not have full command over their servers and it is possible that they might have a dedicated server with another company in order to save their cost. Due to this reason only they are sometimes forced to depend on others to perform some physical tasks like replacing some hardware on the server or other sort of technical problem which they are unable to handle.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

.Photo Hosting Services are Really Photo Sharing Services

Ofoto says they are not a photo hosting service, they are a photo sharing or photo printing service. They do offer a lot of space for hosting though.
They don't make their money by letting you store your photos on their site. They make it by having your print your photos and buy gifts with your photos on them. Some of them are profitable, some are not.
Image by polska1 at #708842
o Adding Photos To Your MySpace Profileo Add Images To Blogger Blogs From Your Computero Add and Manage Facebook Photos Ofoto adds space to their servers constantly to keep up with hosting. You benefit from this by being able to host your photos there and share them with whoever you want. They make money off you whenever you want hard copy prints of the photos and whenever you buy gifts and other photo merchandise from their site.Even though they claim not to be a photo hosting site you can still host your photos there, create photo albums and link to them from your personal Web site. Make your Web site better by using one of these services but remember, if you want to be able to keep hosting your photos there, they need to make money from you, or they'll close and your photos will be lost to cyberspace.


Winner of the Best Free Web Hosting Service Award is..Google Sites Wins.

The winner, with results over 50% in their favor, is... Google Sites!
The winner of the Best Free Hosting Service poll, Google Sites, was given the opportunity to answer some questions about Google Sites. Ten questions were given so you can learn more about Google Sites' free hosting service and what they plan for the future.
Answers provided by Scott Johnston, Senior Product Manager, Google Apps
1-Q. What do you think makes Google Sites more popular than other free hosting services?
A. Ease of use is a big attraction for users. Google Sites makes creating a team web site as easy as editing a document. People can quickly gather a variety of information in one place - including videos, calendars, presentations, attachments, and text - and easily share it for viewing or editing with a small group, their entire organization, or the world.
The product also makes it easy to work together on a site. Users can subscribe to get email notification of changes so they are always aware of what is changing on the site. Sites keeps version history of all changes meaning it is always easy to revert to earlier versions.
2-Q. How much space does Google Sites offer for free?
A. For consumers, Google Sites offers 100Mb per site. Domains using the Google Apps suite receive a 10Gb pool of storage for all their sites and Google Apps Premier edition customers get an additional 500Mb added to that pool for each user account. For more detail, see this help article: How much storage do I have in Google Sites?
3-Q. Does Google Sites have any plans to offer social networking features on their websites (ie. YouTube integration, Facebook integration, blog creator)?
A. We're definitely interested in continuing to make Google Sites more social. Users already have the ability to embed content from YouTube, Google Docs, Picasa slide shows, iGoogle gadgets and more. There are many iGoogle gadgets that allow you to embed twitter feeds, Facebook content, and other social product information.
4-Q. Does Google have any plans on integrating some of the easy to use features found on Google Page Creator into Google Sites to make it more beginner friendly?
A. Absolutely. We will be moving sites created on Google Pages over to Google Sites in June and users will see many Page Creator-like features added to Sites before this happens.
5-Q. How many themes are now in place for people to use on their Google Sites websites?
A. Users can currently choose from 23 packaged themes. These themes can all be customized by users to make the site a unique creation of their own. We'll also be adding the popular Page Creator themes to Google Sites before the migration.
6-Q. Will Google Sites be adding any drag-and-drop features in the near future, especially for photos?
A. Users can currently insert photos into pages and drag them to any location on the page. We will continue to improve this experience making it easier to pick photos and upload them to a Google Site.
7-Q. Name some cool features that Google Sites has that other free website hosting providers don't have.
A. Cool Google Sites Features
*Google Sites doesn't require any technology expertise or knowledge of coding languages
*Users can subscribe to get email notification of changes to the site
*Version history is kept for all changes on a site
*Files can be uploaded to a site and are automatically included in the search results within a site
*Applications like blogs and lists can be easily added to the site
10-Q. What kind of security features does Google Sites offer?
A. Security is one of the great advantages to Google Sites. Users have direct control over who can see and edit their content. Users can restrict a site to a group of users, their organization, or make it public to the world. Site owners can invite users to view their site using their email address.
11-Q. Which other Google content can be added into a Google Sites website (ie. documents, calendars, Gmail)?
A. It's really easy to embed content from many other Google properties, including YouTube, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Picasa slide shows, iGoogle gadgets, and more.
12-Q. What other information do you want to share with people who are creating personal websites using Google Sites?
A. Google Sites makes it simple and easy to publish content online without any technology expertise. Not only that but it makes it easy to work together with others on this content. It works well for everybody from business and schools, to soccer teams and neighborhood groups. You are only seconds away from having a site, so head over to Google Sites to get started.

Top 10 Best Web Hosting Reviews - SCAMS EXPOSED - your first choice in web hosting Terms and Conditions
The following are the terms and conditions for the use of services provided by The web hosting packages (further referred as accounts) are offered on paid basis to individuals who are at least 18 years old or minors with parental permission. By completing "account sign-up" form and clicking "submit" button you are stating that you are eligible for an account and that you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions mentioned here.
Billing and accounts receivable policy
Backup and Storage policy
Bandwidth usage policy
Web Space usage policy
Customer support policy
Acceptable usage and content policy
Policy on Spam and UCE
Disclaimers and limitation of liability
1. Billing and accounts receivable policy
All customers of M6.Net must abide by the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account. All prices mentioned on site are in US dollars. We have not changed our prices in the last 5 years even though we have increased more features and services for each account. Of course prices are subject to change. However, charges are guaranteed to remain unaltered through your paid billing period.All billing and account related queries should be sent to billing@m6.net1.1 Paying for your accountM6.Net accepts various methods of payment for billing transactions, the most common being by credit card, check/cheque, money order, draft and electronic transfer.1.1.1 Paying by credit accepts Visa, MasterCard and Amex. Customers opting to pay by credit card agree to have payments deducted automatically by M6.Net's Automated Billing System. All initial charges such as set-up fee and monthly fee (based on pro-rata) are billed on same day or next working day without fail, unless by decision of the M6.Net Management only who will deduct requested payable extras at any time at their own convenience.Monthly payments with a credit card will ensure that your account is not deactivated due to lost mail or other unforeseen problems. All accounts are paid at least 1 month in advance. M6.Net will automatically deduct regular monthly fees from your nominated credit card, on each Billing Day, which is usually at the end of the current month, without fail, unless by decision of the M6.Net Management only who will deduct requested payable extras at any time at their own convenience.M6.Net will also deduct any additional costs incurred due to usage of additional services such as custom name-servers etc. on the same or next working day without fail, unless by decision of the M6.Net Management only who will deduct requested payable extras at any time at their own convenience.1.1.2 Paying by check/cheque, money order or draftM6.Net allows its customer to sign an account with an option to pay their bills by check/cheque. Payments made by check/cheque are accepted, only covering a billing period of 6 months ahead or 12 months ahead. M6.Net must receive the check/cheque within 10 days from the date on which the account is signed in. In case of renewal, check/cheque must be received within 10 days from the date of renewal notice sent to the customer. Delays in sending check/cheque may result in suspension of services; incur a reactivation fee and/or late payment fee.1.1.3 Paying by electronic transferM6.Net allows its customers to sign an account with an option to pay their bills by electronic transfer. Payments made by electronic transfer are only accepted covering a billing period of 6 months ahead or 12 months ahead. M6.Net must receive the payment within 5 working days from the date on which the account is signed in. In case of renewal payment should be received within 5 working days from the date of renewal notice sent to the customer. Delays in sending payment may result in suspension of services; incur a reactivation fee and/or late payment fee.For all Australian based clients there will be a GST charge of 10%, applied to all goods and services provided by M6.Net1.2 Prepaid - Paying in advance (6 months or 12 months)M6.Net offers huge discounts on prepaid accounts showing its appreciation for customers who show their trust and loyalty by long term commitment. It is also convenient for many customers to pay once or twice a year instead of every month, especially customers paying by check/cheque or electronic transfer.Prepaid accounts paid by credit cards are instantly issued with necessary credits (US $1 = 1 Credit) allowing customers to use their accounts in full. However, prepaid accounts paid by checks/cheques or electronic transfers are issued with necessary credits only after the receipt of the payments. All charges including the discounted monthly fee and extra charges for additional services will be adjusted with the available credits in an account. Accounts with insufficient credits may not be able to add or use additional services. Since added charges are adjusted with the credits available in your account, your renewal date may come earlier than usual.1.2.1 Renewing prepaid accountM6.Net allows its prepaid clients to see their account details at all times using their control panel. Prepaid accounts paid by credit cards will be automatically renewed for the same term (6 or 12 months) at the end of each prepaid term or when the credit available become "zero". Therefore it is clients' responsibility to keep their credit card details up to date all the time and if they do not wish to continue.For prepaid accounts paid by checks/cheques and/or electronic transfers, It is clients’ responsibility to arrange the payment before expiry of the prepaid term or the credit available become "zero". Prepaid account paid by the cheque/check or electronic transfer after the expiry of their prepaid term will be suspended including all web sites and emails. Once the account is suspended, it may incur a suspension fee and/or late payment fee. All the services will remain suspended until payment is resolved in full.1.3 Keeping your payment details up-to-dateM6.Net allows its customers to update their payment details using the control panel offered automatically. It is the customers’ responsibility to keep their payment details up-to-date at all times. All accounts with expired cards will be suspended and may incur a $10 activation fee. Once the account is suspended, all the services including web site and emails will remain suspended until the payment issue is resolved.It is the client’s responsibility to inform us if their card is lost, stolen or cancelled for any reason so we can remove their account from our automatic billing until new credit card details are provided. Any charge rejected due to lost, stolen or cancelled card will incur a $15 rejection fee per transaction.1.4 Upgrading or downgrading your accountM6.Net allows its customers to upgrade or downgrade their accounts whenever required. To upgrade or downgrade an account, simply contact with the account name or size you want to upgrade or downgrade to. There is no fee to upgrade an account. However, M6.Net will charge the balance monthly fee for the remaining days in the month when an account is upgraded. There is no fee to downgrade an account. However, the new (lower) monthly fee will be effective from the start of the next month.1.5 Account allows its customers to cancel their account whenever required. To cancel an account, it is compulsory for the account-holder to use the cancellation form available in their control panel. Any other means used (such as email/fax or phone) to cancel your account may not be honoured and fulfilled in time.1.5.1 Cancelling a monthly accountOnce the account is signed and set-up, the set-up fee and first month fee (based on pro-rata) are not refundable. If you are not sure about any feature or its version supported, or have any other doubt, please contact before signing an account. As mentioned above, all monthly accounts are charged one month in advance at the end of the running month. Fees charged for a particular month are non-refundable. Therefore all cancellation requests must be received on or before the 25th of the running month to avoid a monthly fee for the next month. Cancellations requests received after the 25th may incur the next month’s fee. In such cases, clients will be able to use their account for the period fees have been paid for.1.5.2 Cancelling a prepaid accountIf a prepaid account is cancelled before its agreed term, M6.Net will issue the refund for all remaining credit in that account at the end of the running month. M6.Net may request for an authorization letter and photo ID to issue the refund. ‘Remaining credit’ is NOT ‘available credit’ shown in the account. Remaining credit includes the set-up fee, admin fee and regular monthly fees for any number of months the account was active, including the running month deducted from the total amount paid.1.6 Disputed billing transactionIn case of billing error or disputed transaction, the client must contact for an initial appraisal. If, in any case of billing error or disputed transaction, bank ‘Charge back’ is initiated, your account including web sites and emails may be suspended without any notice and all services will remain suspended until the dispute is resolved. Once the charge back is initiated, you may have to send the authorization letter along with your photo ID to resolve the issue. Each charge back initiated will incur $15.00 charge back fee per transaction. Charge backs are in most cases made fraudulently and will be pursued fully, by parties including Debt Collection and Legal.1.7 Payment for domain registrationDomain registration and domain hosting are two separate services and thus billed separately. Hosting accounts signed with M6.Net doesn’t include the charges for a domain registration. In order to register and pay for a domain, you have to operate a separate domain registration account with DomReg-M6.Net ( This is a separate business unit of M6.Net so the charges need to be paid to them accordingly.1.8 Charges and feesReactivation fee - $10Charge back fee - $15 per charge back regardless of amount of transaction.Admin fee - $10Late payment fee - $10 per month regardless of amount of paymentRejection fee - $15 per transaction regardless of amount of transaction

2. Backup and Storage policy
All customers of must abide by all the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account. backs up all server configurations on a regular basis, which helps in restoring the existing configurations in case of hardware failure. It is not possible to restore the data for individuals and therefore we encourage our customers to back up their contents on a regular basis. will provide help or assistance, where it can, to recover the lost data due to any reason but, accepts no responsibility or liability for possible permanent data loss.
To maintain the high performance of the servers we need to clean/delete the stats log files from time to time. Usually this deletion process occurs on the beginning of each month. Customers are advised to make copies of the log files regularly and before deletions, as does not provide an individual log files recording or storage facility. accepts no responsibility or liability for loss of log files after deletion of log files. provides access to a real time graphics stats server for each domain. We encourage our customers to export all the necessary stats records on regular basis. Due to the involvement of third party components and the complexity of links between domains and the stats server, neither nor any third party hold any responsibility or liability for any stats data loss or corruption (if occurred).
Further more it is strongly advised that you retain a copy of each and every file or data-type before uploading it on the servers, as does not accept any responsibility or liability for permanent loss of data, in any form.
3. Bandwidth usage policy
All customers of must abide by all the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account. has an extremely capable connection to the major backbones of the Internet. As the needs arise, our bandwidth is continually upgraded to accommodate the growing needs of our users. However, if any one web site produces an abnormally large amount of web site traffic for extended periods of time, this can cause slowdowns throughout the entire network.
Accounts on higher-level hosting plans will be granted more leniency in regards to bandwidth usage. Please note that other items such as CGI or email might require you to purchase a different, more suited, package. Account variations can be found on the 'Prices' page.
If an account is found to be using excessive bandwidth, the owner of the account will be contacted about upgrading his account, or negotiating extra bandwidth charges.
If you have any questions about this or any other policies held by, please feel free to email us at
4. Web Space usage policy
All customers of must abide by all the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account. provides limited web space to store files and data. The size of the web space depends upon the account size you have chosen. You can review the web space allocated on different accounts at
If an account is found to be using more web space than allocated, the owner will be contacted about reducing the web space to their account limit, or upgrading the account or negotiating over-used web space. The owner will have 7 days to correct this problem – reduce web space to limit, upgrade the account or purchase extra web space.
Please note that stats log files for your domain are stored in your web space and is part of your account. Sometimes these files are the reason for the over-size of an account. It is the customer’s responsibility to download the logs files regularly and delete them from the server when necessary.
For further information in this regard please contact
5. Customer support policy
All customers of web hosting must abide by all the terms of these policies. Violation of any of these policies may result in the immediate termination of an account.
It has been the goal of since our founding to provide top-quality customer support and satisfaction. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify what our role is in providing a web presence service.
There are certain features such as CGI, ASP, ODBC, SSI, real audio, etc., that we provide to our user. However, due to the complex nature of supporting such services, we are unable to support users in learning how to use such features. We will verify that the settings are correct on our end, but to help users correctly set up their own files, we must charge a fee based on professional rates.
In this document, we wish to clarify what issues shall receive free technical support (general issues) and which shall be charged for (advanced support). We make great effort to provide a fast turn-around on support for all general support issues. The time frame for advanced support will vary depending upon the complexity of the issue. If you have any confusion as to what issues would fall into the general support category and which would have a charge, please e-mail .
We have outlined below several examples of general support issues and some advanced support issues:
5.1 General support issues [no charge]
You may obtain free technical support on issues similar to the following by emailing .
Problems logging into an account. [Password set-up incorrectly, ftp login incorrect, etc.]
Problems uploading files due to server issues [permissions incorrect].
System configuration problems caused by us.
Web site not loading due to errors on our part [DNS incorrect etc.].
E-mail accounts not functioning.
Recommendations on what would be best to run... [i.e., should I use ASP or a CGI script?]
Included with the creation of each new account/domain is the registration or modification of a domain name with the current Registrant, to enable the domain to work with our servers. The support team can assist you with the changes.
5.2 Modifying existing domains with wishes to ensure that you have a complete domain service with your account. This means being able to reach a web site at a fully qualified domain name url, e.g.
Included with the creation of each new account/domain is the registration or modification of a domain name with the current Registrant, to enable the domain to work with our servers. The support team can assist you with the changes.
If after the initial processing you need the support team to modify the domain, there will be a $10.00 service charge. This charge also applies to domains registered by other registrants, and is applied for modifying information on all aspects of your domain details.
For domains registered through, all updates should be requested via to , this does not incur a fee, for any registrant.
5.3 Clean up or re-installation of an account
The cost of cleaning up or re-installing an account is $15.00. If you wish to start from scratch, we will delete and re-create your account for this fee.
5.4 Advanced support [$60.00 per hour]
Technical assistance with any user-supplied CGI script, ASP extensions, java applets, etc., is not included in the 'general support' category. If you will require assistance with your web site development including setting up or debugging a CGI program we will provide it at the rate of $60.00 an hour, billed a minimum of 15 minutes in advance. If the error was found to stem from incorrect system settings (caused by M6), the fee will be waved. Services falling under this category would include:
Custom CGI scripts and applications
Web site development
Re-coding html to reduce file size
Making image files smaller in file size
Technical support with user CGI, ASP, Java etc.
6. Acceptable usage and content policy
All customers of web hosting must abide by all the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account. strictly prohibits any account hosted on our servers from containing certain types of material. These include, but are by no means limited to:
Offensive adult oriented material, such as pornography, and/or other offensive material as deemed by
Any material that is not suitable for minors.
Material that is considered illegal by any governing body.
Warez (commercial software made available for free over the internet).
Illegal mp3 files.
Other illegally obtained or distributed software and/or files.
Documentation on hacking, software piracy, counterfeiting, bomb making, etc., posted with the intent of fostering criminal activity.
Any other questionable material, as determined by
Any material, which is meant to harm, bash, offend, or pull down another group, be it political, religious, racial, sexual, or otherwise.
Sites promoting or fostering hate crimes toward any other group.
Any site hosted by which provides offensive adult services, as deemed by, will be stopped in expectation of a site clean up, there shall be a minimum service charge of $75 to reactivate the site and work done on confirmation of acceptance, of site content, and further charges at the rate of $60.00 per hour after the first hour. There will also be a charge of $0.50 per MB of data transfer if the site accumulates data during that period. will not tolerate offensive adult web sites.
No email address provided by shall be used to send 'Spam,' or un-solicited mass email messages. Any account found in violation of this will be cancelled immediately.
Any activity that overloads our servers and/or hides access to sites hosted by will not be permitted nor tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:
Providing email service to large numbers of people not affiliated with you or your company (i.e., running a service similar to iname or netaddress)
Any other usage of provided system resources, which would constitute abuse in any form
Any such activity can and will result in the immediate termination of your account.
If you are unsure of anything that you would like to place on your web site, please contact us regarding this matter before you sign up. This will relieve stress and time on both sides.
We reserve the right to cancel any account at any time for any reason deemed necessary by the management of
We reserve the right to change the terms of this acceptable usage and content policy at any time for any reason deemed necessary.
If you know of any account that is abusing these practices, please email and describe the abuse, and provide us with the url or email address of the party you are reporting, if at all possible.
7. Policy on Spam and UCE
All customers of must abide by all the terms set forth in this and all other policies. Violation of any of these terms may result in the immediate termination of an account.
Recent growth of the Internet has also brought about more and more possibilities for abuse of this new communications medium. In response to this, we have developed the following position on abuse of Internet services provided by in order to protect you, our customer, from Internet harassment and intrusions of privacy.
'Netiquette’ is a term, which has come to receive widespread use on the Internet. Netiquette is generally defined as the standards or practices an individual or organization engages in to engender responsible internet citizenship on their behalf, as well as refraining from standards or practices which would impose undue financial, time, or social constraints on other users of the internet.
The Internet, as large and complex as it is, has no single governing body. There is no Internet management to complain to when things go wrong. Every facet of the Internet is overseen by those organizations (such as whose networks are interconnected to form the Internet. This also means that every user of the Internet is responsible for their own-behavior.
Because the Internet is simply an interconnected set of smaller networks, each entity using the Internet retains some liability for the cost associated with traffic and storage, for example, a single posting to a single newsgroup takes storage space on the local news server, then must be transmitted to a few more servers, which store the information on their hard drives, re-transmitting to a few more servers, and so on. When the costs of the storage space and transmission are all factored together, a single newsgroup posting can cost the collective internet thousands of dollars! There are similar costs associated with the bandwidth required to transmit email. Therefore, someone using email or news postings for abusive purposes can have a large financial impact on the networks involved.
Aside from the financial costs, someone who has fallen victim to some sort of Internet abuse has other costs in terms of decreased effectiveness of the Internet. For example, someone besieged by Spam email (a massive bulk email message to subscribers who did not indicate any desire to receive such email) spends additional time downloading and responding to email, which was never wanted in the first place. A newsgroup subscriber may see their favourite newsgroup overrun with meaningless off-topic advertisements, obscuring any effective information still remaining in that newsgroup.
When an customer performs any one of these abusive activities, pays a price too. The additional time we have to spend responding to the complaints that pour in could be much better spent on other services. If the domain “’ appears anywhere in the email headers, we will receive complaints. Even if someone is using the services of another ISP to send out 'Spam', advertising their M6 -hosted web site, we will get complaints.
Because of the potential consequences of this type of activity, does nor accept this type of behaviour by our customers. In the past however, we have given people the benefit of the doubt, assuming they didn't know that their actions could have such unwanted effects. If we received a complaint about an user abusing the Internet, our standard practice had been to warn the user that further behaviour of this type would result in termination of their account. This strategy, although mostly effective, still let’s Internet abuse originate from Therefore, we've decided to switch to a more proactive strategy, making sure our customers know beforehand what is and is not appropriate on the Internet. All new subscribers to 's services will be informed of the consequences of internet abuse as part of our revised 'acceptable usage and content policy.' now that we've gone on the record with what is and what isn't acceptable use of the internet, any customer who abuses the resources of the internet in any of the following ways will permanently lose their access to the network. These include:
Excessive posting of email to Internet users who previously have not indicated a desire to receive such email
Posting messages to multiple Internet newsgroups, which are not immediately relevant to the topics of the newsgroups
Posting advertisements on groups that don't specifically permit advertising. (How do you know? watch the group for a while before you post blindly. If other people are advertising openly, then you are pretty safe doing the same. Don't advertise unless you are sure.)
Using the network for any illegal purpose.
There are literally thousands of advertising and marketing resources that are effective and either low, or no cost. These include classifieds on every one of the thousands of malls on the internet, your web space, registering with search engines, appropriate usenet postings, and many other completely legitimate methods of appropriate advertising. We are not saying you can't advertise on the Internet. What we are saying is that we will cancel the account of any subscriber who uses’ services to advertise inappropriately; primarily meaning, using unsolicited mass mailings, and spamming the usenet.
We’re aware of the many ways that someone can hide their identity on the Internet, and rest assured that a person's access would not be terminated until we are sure that they indeed are responsible for the abuse that appears to be coming from them. Hopefully this document should answer all of the questions of existing subscribers.
If the subject of Internet abuse is still unclear, please see one of the following urls:
Any subscriber that violates the Spam policies of will be charged $150.00 per hour for the time it takes us to 'clean-up' your Spam. This shall include but not be limited to the time required to answer mail from angry recipients of your Spam and/or repair of a damaged server due to the 'mail bombing' or other actions of the angry recipients in retaliation to the Spam. Please note also that it is now considered a crime in many parts of the world, to send UCE (unsolicited commercial email) as it falls into the category of 'junk faxes.' will turn over names and personal information of any person who violates this law to the appropriate state / federal officials for further legal action.
If you have any further questions regarding our policy on Spam/UCE, please email us at
8. Disclaimers and limitation of liability
The information and services included in or available through the web site or sites or products related to the service, may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. The management may make improvements and/or changes to its service at any time. does not claim in any way that the web hosting services provided by them, will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. does not claim in any way that the use, or the results of the use, of the services provided by them or the materials made available as part of the service will be correct, accurate, timely, or otherwise reliable.
By completing the account sign up form and clicking the submit button you specifically agree that shall not be responsible for unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, any material or data sent or received or not sent or received, or any transactions entered into through the services provided by them. You specifically agree that is not responsible or liable for any threatening, defamatory, obscene, offensive or illegal content or conduct of any other party or any infringement of another's rights, including intellectual property rights. You specifically agree that is not responsible for any content sent using and/or included in the services provided by them, by any third party. AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY, RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, TIMELINESS, AND ACCURACY OF THE SERVICE FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE REPRESENTATIVES HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH REGARD TO THE SERVICE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.
9. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify and hold, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers and employees, harmless from any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees, asserted by any third party due to or arising out of your use of or conduct on the services provided by them.

…Where Web Hosting Met Masses…

It is clear that the web hosting industry is one of the most profitable internet businesses in the last decade, or at least it has become. A lot of internet providers or software developers changed their work models and started offering complete services.
This significantly increased the role of marketing and aggressive growth of the web hosting companies. It has become important not only to have a quality data center facility and non stop working people who maintain the business, but it has also become à la mode to provide complete solutions from A to Z.
This was the time when web hosting became adult and a real industry on the web. Then we witnessed buy-outs, mergers, web hosting became real property, being only virtual as business. From another side, we saw a real growth in the domain registration market too, right after the dot com boom finished.
The internet entrepreneurs realized that a successful business is when you meet good domain with quality service and a lot of SEO efforts. The upper level was gained also when the Web 2.0 (as category) has emerged and again re-scaled the picture of the hosting business.
Then it became really “saturated” - well said but in the recent months I started thinking that this is not really true. Why? The reseller hosting business - the way it started was not meant to pose real threat to its parent, but it really did in the past year.
We have seen ‘web hosts’ come and go as we have never before, and in any other business. Yes, it is not hard to start such occupation, yes it can make you some money, but…there are a lot of ‘but’s.
Service Provision Needs Quality
I think it needs, OK, we may start with reliability but then, if you want to offer something and people will pay for it, you better think of its quality! Nowadays, there are so many hosts that I am sure, no one can count the number. Well, may be some one can count the reliable, quality and honest hosts - and the list may be kind of complete but this can be done only be independent professionals - and there are no independent ones! Not anymore.
Saturated vs Overcrowded
These days, almost every designer, web developer or person who has knowledge related to web programing or system administration is ready to open web hosting company. And most of those people have the right knowledge and skills, don’t get me wrong. The problem is coming from the lack of time, money and dedication the people can blend and start good hosting business.
I am not going into debate what are the ‘most important principles’ of starting on the hosting market. But I would say that when starting something new, we need to calculate what we can give and what we can then take off that new thing. There is only one result when we go it and then loose our passion - disappointment for both, us the people we let down. And there people are our customers.
From where to continue…
I am not sure where the problem comes from - it can be from the lack of clear procedures of becoming a working company, complete absence of any industry standards or a lot of other legal issues that companies rely on and take advantage of.
But one thing I am sure of - playing with web hosting business as its simple game is very harmful and takes off the field the ’side to side’ relations and trust. This make it rough to work, to handle and deal with.

Hosting Control Panels - Standardize or Capitalize?!

What makes it important for a normal web developer or just user to go after a specific hosting service? The answer, of course, cannot be given in one way only, but I think it is important to know the different aspects of the user-leading components.
Probably, one of the most important considerations would the reputation of the web host. Secondly it may be the friendliness of the host, including the host’s website design, the billing system, the software it offers and the software it uses for its automotive activities.Current Situation
In the times, when the companies started to offer more and more technological services and put the key to importance into delivering the hosting as well designed and user friendly system - it became evident that the so called hosting control panels will be the part that will put away or attract, or at least keep the customers.
We have seen many control panels - some big companies even decided to go and develop their own automation systems for the management of the clients, which lead to market saturation in this segment too.Of course, depending on the specific business model and orientation - the biggest part of the web host went for using ready-to-deploy hosting panels for its shared hosting needs.
The likes of Ensim, cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk were the ones that lead the technological ways at the beginning of this century. There were and many open source panels, that could not, and still cannot make rivalries, because of the lack of support, development processes or just the panel’s architecture itself.
Nowadays, we are becoming more and more pretentious as customers and what the industry needed to do is to offer some kind of standardization or at least some major improvements of the hosting software it offers.
What future holds?
One of the steps was to introduce the software packages (libraries) coming with each panel, that as the companies says “will ease” the client experience and will provide more opportunities and options for any site developer or owner.
The next step was the introduction of more and more functionality inside the control panel - by adding different frameworks, newest version of the software, multiple website support, multiple-user interface, reseller options, even overselling option :).
All this is fine and made the eventual peak of this part of the hosting industry - most of the hosts were using cPanel or Plesk (because of the efforts of the mother companies or just marketing) and if you are host who wants to be on the top, you need huge investments for developing and marketing your own software or just go and use the industry leaders.
From customer’s point of view, if most people use cPanel, why would bother using something else (which proved to be wrong is lots of cases)?! But still, if you don’t use Plesk or cPanel, a very big part of the potential clients will stay away from you.
As everything, this will change - in a positive way probably and I will never stop talking about something that is the most important thing in every business or area of life - Standards.
At the Parallels summit, this subject was welcomed by most of the participants and I hope it will stay alive for as long as it becomes reality. The web hosting industry needs quality, high standards, rules. Either way, it will stay the way it is - highly saturated and unstable.
We have seen hosts come and go - it will be the same with the hosting control panels. Most of them will pass away or as its the case of Parallels - they will just buy all others. Actually, they did - excluding cPanel, but who knows :)!.
I think that I will be fine with this as long as the standards are introduces and the companies are respecting this. Of course this is only one part of the picture. The other may be the fact that one or two big players will hold the whole industry and will possibly lead to monopolization and law suits in the future. But still, the main focus, apart from making more money, should be offering the customers enough, but quality resources that will provide the web hosting market with defined rules and only the price and the business model will differentiate the web hosting companies.


Web Hosting in Times of Crisis

have been recently participant of several board discussions, which pointed the eventual impact of the financial crisis on the loyalty of the customers - not only shared hosting clients but those who use VPS or dedicated hosting.
The posed question was towards owners of the hosting business, mostly. It contained and a sub-question, what we can do to keep the customers loyal, because the crisis affects all of us.Is it time for a change?
What kind of change? The business model the companies use or the way they treat their clients. Well, hopefully we are talking about the first. The suggestions of the forum thread were, that the hosts should start involving themselves more and more in the day-to-day problems of the company, talk to the customers, offer them different discounts, loyalty rewards etc.
All this sound fine - but lets see the picture as whole. You have a web based business and you need to push more and more to gain space in your niche. Then you need reliability in terms of quality of service you pay for. Also, you need friendly and helpful customer service to help you with your site building.
What else - yes, competitive prices of your host, that will keep you away from the rivals. All these are very good starting point for every customer, who values and knows what lies in the hosting bottom line.
The other piece of this would be the accurate attitude, the right efforts and business view of every web hosting involved person who want to profit from his business, from one side, and to provide quality of service, value added offers, not-loss-leading market strategies and overselling practices.
If one day (after the crisis is gone) the customer starts to evaluate adequately what he gets, and what he pays for and the hosting companies starts to carry for their clients, not only in times of global economical stagnation, then it will become evident if this business comes deserves the

loyalty of the consumer.

Hosting the Clouds and Hosting in the Clouds

What would the best way to be in front of the technological evolution - of course you need to follow it. In recent days, everybody is talking about something that may either help the hosting industry take the right way or to further put it in the overselling hole in went on few years back.
The new technological edge is coming through our door and we have to see it, at least we have to figure if we can follow the revolutionary ways to produce more, to use less, to gain more.
What I am talking about? Cloud computing, load balancing, system clustering or whatever you want to call it. The important thing here is that we have to stop talking about the traditional server systems, the way we know them and continue our vision into new direction.
Systematic improvement leads to constant and progressive increase of profit and sales - of course if the right measures are taken and the right amount of money are spent.And I am not saying that this is valid for the web hosting industry only - no, this applies to all web processes and business initiatives. The modern web presence will require us to have quality services, market orientated prices and model that will allow us to give the consumer the best available services he can get. And this will be possible of the wrong overselling model is gone.
The cloud computing technologies enable the web hosting companies to provide more quality and adequate pricing and in the same time more flexibility in terms of offerings richness, almost zero time for reaction, security, scalability and customization processes.
Of course, the involvement when you want to have a stable system are bigger than just renting few machines and make them overcrowded as Beijing. You need to have the right business plan and the necessary investments to reach the level of the new hosting models.
What can go wrong?
- the prices of such technologies will push forward only the bigger companies and will ‘eat’ the small ones (which may be a good thing after all)- the overselling model may be fully integrated into the ‘clouds’.- the new model may increase the prices and change the customers reaction and thinking- this model may make the Virtual Private Server hosting disappear or just be invaluable
Why cannot be wrong?
- the service quality will be outstanding compared to what we know now.- the reliability and the risk are not that high and its not even presumable in some cases- will change the meaning of ‘You get what you pay for’ in a positive way- will decrease the needs of constant technical support- you cannot use loss-leading strategies to sell the product
The reversing parts of this post’ title means the different ways of comprehending the cloud computing and the reflection over the web hosting industry - it can be both influential and discouraging. The good thing is that with those new technologies, we may bring and new models of customer behaviour and expectations as well as morality of the industry players - in the end, its all business.