Sunday, June 28, 2009

Host More Photos and Save More Money

How much are you spending on photo hosting? Do you host your pictures with eBay, or do you use a third party? Contained in this guide is a way for you to save a great deal of money by hosting your photos from your own website.
Hosting Photos from your Website
How much are you paying per month to host your photos? Many people are paying $30/mo+ for only a couple GB of photos. That might sound like a good deal, but have you searched eBay for 'web hosting' recently? You can get a web hosting package with 10GB space and a huge amount of bandwidth for less then as $30 a year!
Did your eyes get as wide as mine did? So what's the difference between 'web hosting' and 'photo hosting'? Photo hosting is a place to host your photos. Web hosting is a place to put web content, including photos, so generally, it could cost you less to host your entire website then it would just to host your photos.
The only downfall is that you have to have some Internet knowledge. You will have to know how to use FTP to upload your pictures, and you need to know how to insert those pictures into your listings. If you are not experienced in manual photo uploading, there are many free programs out there that can turn your website into a photo-hosting wonder.
Setting up a Website to Host Photos
Get your company domain name. You will need a domain name ( to point to your website.
Find a web hosting service. As I said earlier, there are many sellers offering cheap web hosting.
(optional) Install some photo hosting software. If you don't know how to manually upload photos, there are scripts out there that can make it easier for you.
Upload your pics. Upload all your pictures to a folder on your website.
Create your listings. Now you are ready to create your listings using your hosted pictures.
Here's a common question: What about free photo hosting companies? Consider this: let's say that you are hosting photos for your 2000 listings from a free third party company called Now let's say that they went out of business. (unlikely, but very possible). Now you have pictures for 2000 listings pointing to a website that no longer exists. Now you have hours and possible days of work of redoing all of those listings. If all of your pictures are pointing to that company, you will never get those back, and all your listings will have to be redone. Now let's consider this: Let's say that you're hosting your photos yourself, and your web hosting went out of business. This is what you can do: find another web hosting service, point your domain name to the new service, and upload your photos to that new place. All of the photo URLs in the listings will stay the same, and you just saved yourself a huge headache. You won't have to change a single listing.

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