Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to Make an Appealing Forum Signature

This guide contains some general guidelines to keep your signature appealing to both the moderators and the users. This is in no way the official rules and guidelines to posting on the community boards. For more information on the technical rules and regulations, visit
When posting on the community boards found at, it is important to do a few things to it to make it look appealing to most everybody that views it. I will talk about a few simple methods to make your signature formatted nicely.

Where to Change your Signature
After logging into the community boards, enter a forum, and click the Settings link at the top-right corner of the page. There, you will be able to add some content to show at the bottom of every post.

Separate your Content
Make some sort of division between your post and your signature. You don't want readers getting confused on where your post ends and your signature starts. A simple example would be to put
before your signature. This inserts a horizontal line.

No Animation in Pictures
Pictures in any signature should not exceed 50 pixels high by 220 pixels wide, nor should they be animated. Personally, I find animated pictures annoying in the threads unless they have some sort of relevance to the topic. It is also annoying when people have 500-pixel high pictures in their signatures, and they post like 10 times in any given thread. It's annoying to scroll through because you are there to read the thread, not see their picture ten times. Make it small and discrete.

Change the Format of Text
If you are going to have text in your signature, make it look different than your post. Try something like this:


That code makes your text a bit smaller and a bit greyer. Not too much, but enough to distinguish it from your post.

If you want to use some different colors, try these color codes:

Navy: #000080
Maroon: #800000
Green: #008000
Teal: #008080
Olive: #808000
Purple: #800080

What to Put
Now that you know how to format your signature, what in the world would you put in it? A good thing would be some sort of quote or piece of text that describes you. This gives all the readers a better understanding of who you are. You could also promote any eBay page include your me page if you have one, and if you don't have a me page, you should .

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